宮永 顕正 准教授
Akimasa MIYANAGA, Ph.D.
E-mail: amiyanaga[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp



(全業績: Google ScholarWeb of ScienceORCiD)

  • Elucidation of interface interactions between a dehydratase domain and an acyl carrier protein in cremimycin polyketide synthase
    Kotagiri, K., Tachibana, H., Kawasaki, D., Chisuga, T., Kashima, T., Fushinobu, S., Kudo, F., Eguchi, T.*, and Miyanaga, A.*
    FEBS Lett. in press (2025) Link

  • Structural basis of amide-forming adenylation enzyme VinM in vicenistatin biosynthesis
    Miyanaga, A.*, Nagata, K., Nakajima, J., Chisuga, T., Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    ACS Chem. Biol. 18, 2343-2348 (2023) Link

  • Structure-based analysis of transient interactions between ketosynthase-like decarboxylase and acyl carrier protein in a loading module of modular polyketide synthase
    Chisuga, T., Murakami, S., Miyanaga, A.*, Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    ACS Chem. Biol., 18, 1398-1404 (2023) Link

  • Structural insight into the reaction mechanism of ketosynthase-like decarboxylase in a loading module of modular polyketide synthases
    Chisuga, T., Nagai, A., Miyanaga, A.*, Goto, E., Kishikawa, K., Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    ACS Chem. Biol., 17, 198-206 (2022) Link

  • Structural characterization of complex of adenylation domain and carrier protein by using pantetheine cross-linking probe
    Miyanaga, A.*, Kurihara, S., Chisuga, T., Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    ACS Chem. Biol., 15, 1808-1812 (2020) Link

  • Structural basis of protein-protein interactions between a trans-acting acyltransferase and acyl carrier protein in polyketide disorazole biosynthesis
    Miyanaga, A.*, Ouchi, R., Ishikawa, F., Goto, E., Tanabe, G., Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 7970-7978 (2018) Link

  • Structure-based analysis of the molecular interactions between acyltransferase and acyl carrier protein in vicenistatin biosynthesis
    Miyanaga, A.*, Iwasawa, S., Shinohara, Y., Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113, 1802-1807 (2016) Link

  • The crystal structure of the adenylation enzyme VinN reveals a unique β-amino acid recognition mechanism
    Miyanaga, A., Cieślak, J., Shinohara, Y., Kudo, F., and Eguchi, T.*
    J. Biol. Chem., 289, 31448-31457 (2014) Link

  • Flavin-mediated dual oxidation controls an enzymatic Favorskii-type rearrangement
    Teufel, R.#, Miyanaga, A.#, Michaudel, Q.#, Stull, F.#, Louie, G., Noel, J. P., Baran, P. S., Palfey, B., and Moore, B. S.*
    Nature, 503, 552-556 (2013) Link

  • Direct transfer of starter substrates from type I fatty acid synthase to type III polyketide synthases in phenolic lipid synthesis
    Miyanaga, A., Funa, N., Awakawa, T., and Horinouchi, S.*
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 871-876 (2008) Link

  • Crystal structure of a family 54 α-L-arabinofuranosidase reveals a novel carbohydrate-binding module that can bind arabinose
    Miyanaga, A., Koseki, T., Matsuzawa, H., Wakagi, T., Shoun, H., and Fushinobu, S.*
    J. Biol. Chem., 279, 44907-44914 (2004) Link

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