<1999-1990> Publications etc. 


1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993

1992 1991-1990 1989-1980 1979-1970

Original Papers


Cytochrome P450nor, a novel class of mitochondrial cytochorome P450 involved in nitrate respiration in the Fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Takaya, N., Suzuki, S., Kuwazaki, S., Shoun, H., Maruo, F., Yamaguchi, M., and Takeo, K.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 372, 340-346 (1999)

Peroxynitrite reaction with heme proteins.
Mehl, M., Daiber, A., Herold, S., Shoun, H., and Ullrich, V.
Nitric Oxide-Biol. Chem., 3, 142-152, (1999)

Membrane-associated, dissimilatory nitrite reductase of the denitrifying fungus Cylindrocarpon tonkinense.
Kubota Y, Takaya N, Shoun H:
Arch. Microbiol., 171, 210-213 (1999)


栄養と健康のライフサイエンス 4, 23-28 (1999)



「Unique Fungal P450s of Fusarium oxysporum, p450nor and P450foxy」
2nd BRAIN SEMINAR - Cytochrome P450 and Plant Genetic Engineering -
24-25 November, 1999, Kobe, Japan

「Denitrification by Fungi」
拠点大学方式による学術交流セミナー - 食料生産に関わる水、土地および遺伝資源の管理 - ( Management of water,land and gene resources in food production )
26-27 September, 1999, Xi an, China

Original Papers


Denitrification by actinomycetes and purification of dissimilatory nitrite reductase and azurin from Streptomyces thioluteus.
Shoun, H., Kano, M., Baba, I., takaya, N., and Matsuo, M.
J. Bacteriol., 180, 4413-4415 (1998)

The effects of heme modification on reactivity, ligand binding properties and iron-coordination structures of cytochrome P450nor.
Singh, U. P., Obayashi, E., Takahashi, S., Iizuka, T., Shoun, H., and Shiro, Y.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1384, 103-111 (1998)

Site-directed mutagenesis of the conserved threonine (Thr243) of the distal helix of fungal cytochrome P450nor.
Okamoto, N., Imai, Y., Shoun, H., and Shiro, Y.
Biochemistry 37 (24), 8839-8847 (1998)


Fungal denitrification, a respiratory system possibly acquired by horizontal gene transfer from prokaryotes.
Takaya, N., Kobayshi, M., and Shoun, H.
"Horizontal Gene Transfer" (Syvanen, M., and Kado, C., eds.) pp.321-327. Chapman and Hall, London (1998)

Analysis of NAD(P)H binding site of cytochrome P-450nor.
Takaya, N., Kudo, T., and Shoun, H.
Oxygen Homeostasis and Its Dynamics: Keio University Symposia for Life Science and Medicine 1 (Ishimura, Y., shimada, H., Suematsu, M., eds.) pp. 156-160 (1998) Springer-Verlag Tokyo.

Crystal structure of nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P-450nor from Fusarium oxysporum.
Park, S.-Y., Shimizu, H., Adachi, S., Shiro, Y., Iizuka, T., and Shoun, H.
Oxygen Homeostasis and Its Dynamics: Keio University Symposia for Life Science and Medicine 1 (Ishimura, Y., shimada, H., Suematsu, M., eds.) pp. 147-155 (1998) Springer-Verlag Tokyo.

P450の多様性:Diversozymeの生物学と応用-2; 3.P450の立体構造: 普遍性と個別性。
化学と生物 36 (7), 461-464 (1998)


Original Papers


Structural and functional characterization of nitric oxide reductase. Shiro, Y., Tsukamoto, K., Obayashi, E., Adachi, S., Iizuka, T., Nomura, M., and Shoun H.
J. Phys. IV C2, 587-591 (1997)

Crystal structure of nitric oxide reductase from denitrifying fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Park, S.-Y., Shimizu, H., Adachi, S., Nakagawa, A., Tanaka, I., Nakahara, K., Shoun, H., Obayashi, E., Nakamura, H., Iizuka, T., and Shiro, Y.
Nature Str. Biol., 4, 827-832 (1997)

Crystallization, preliminary diffraction and electron paramagnetic resonance studies of a single crystal of cytochrome P450nor.
Park, S.-Y., Shimizu, H., Adachi, S., Shiro, Y., Iizuka, T., Nakagawa, A, Tanaka, I., Shoun, H., and Hori, H.
FEBS Lett. 412, 346-350 (1997)

Purification and characterization of a flavohemoglobin from the denitrifying fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Takaya, N., Suzuki, S., Matsuo, M., and Shoun, H.
FEBS Lett. 414, 545-548 (1997)

Unique binding of nitric oxide to ferric nitric oxide reductase from Fusarium oxysporum elucidated with Infrared, Resonance Raman, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies.
Obayashi, E., Tsukamoto, K., Adachi, S., Takahashi, S., Nomura, M., Iizuka, T., Shoun, H., and Shiro, Y.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 7807-7816 (1997)

Absorption spectral studies on heme ligand interactions of P-450nor.
Imai, Y., Okamoto, N., Nakahara, K., and Shoun, H.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1337, 66-74 (1997)

Functional and structural comparison of nitric oxide reductases from denitrifying fungi Cylindrocarpon tonkinense and Fusarium oxysporum.
Toritsuka, N., Shoun, H., Shiro, Y., and Iizuka, T.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1338, 93-99 (1997)

Fungal P450nor: Expression in Escherichia coli and site-directed mutagenesis at the putative distal region.
Okamoto, N., Tsuruta, K., Imai, Y., Tomura, D., and Shoun, H.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 337, 338-344 (1997)

Original Papers


Cloning and expression of cytochrome P-450nor2 cDNA from Cylindrocarpon tonkinense.
Liu, D.-L., Tomura, D., and Shoun, H.
Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sinica 28 (5), 471-478 (1996)

N-terminal processing and amino acid sequence of two isoforms of nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P450nor from Fusarium oxysporum.
Nakahara, K., and Shoun, H.
J. Biochem. 120 (6), 1082-1087 (1996)

Two isozymes of P450nor of Cylindrocarpon tonkinense: Molecular cloning of the cDNAs and genes, expressions in the yeast, and the putative NAD(P)H-binding site.
Kudo, T., Tomura, D., Liu, D.-L., Dai, X.-Q., and Shoun, H.
Biochimie 78(8-9), 792-799 (1996)

Denitrification, a novel type of respiratory metabolism in fungal mitochondrion.
Kobayashi, M., Matsuo, Y., Takimoto, A., Suzuki, S., Maruo, F., and Shoun, H.
J. Biol. Chem., 271, 16263-16267 (1996)

Purification and characterization of an intracellular a-D-xylosidase from Penicillium wortmannii IFO 7237.
Matsuo, M., Seki, T., Mitsuishi, Y., Shoun, H., and Nakahara, T.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 60 (2), 341-343 (1996)

Cytochrome P450foxy, a catalytically self-sufficient fatty acid hydroxylase of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Nakayama, N., Takemae, A., and Shoun, H.
J. Biochem. 119 (3), 435-440 (1996)



化学と生物 36 (1), 4-5 (1996)

Original Papers


Iron-ligand structure and iron redox property of nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P450nor from Fusarium oxysporum: Relevance to its NO reduction activity.
Shiro, Y., Fujii, M., Isogai, Y., Adachi, S., Iizuka, T., Obayashi, E., Makino, R., Nakahara, K., and Shoun, H.
Biochemistry 34 (28), 9052-9058 (1995)

Denitrification by the fungus Cylindrocarpon tonkinense: Anaerobic cell growth and two isozyme forms of cytoxhrome P-450nor.
Usuda, K., Toritsuka, N., Matsuo, Y., Kim, D.-H., and Shoun, H.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61 (3), 883-889 (1995)

The coppor-containing dissimilatory nitrite reductase involved in the denitrifying system of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Kobayashi, M., and Shoun, H.
J. Biol. Chem., 270, 4146-4151 (1995)

Spectroscopic and kinetic studies on reaction of cytochorome P450nor with nitric oxide.
Shiro, Y., Fujii, M., Iizuka, T., Adachi, S., Tsukamoto, K., Nakahara, K., and Shoun, H.
J. Biol. Chem., 270, 1617-1623 (1995)



化学と工業 48 (5), 601-603 (1995)

Original Papers


Levoglucosan dehydrogenase involved in the assimilation of levoglucosan in Arthrobacter sp. I-552.
Nakahara, K., Kitamura, Y., Yamagishi, Y., Shoun, H., and Yasui, T.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 58 (12), 2193-2196 (1994)

Kinetics and thermodynamics of CO binding to cytochrome P450nor.
Shiro, Y., Kato, M., Iizuka, T., Nakahara, K., nnd Shoun, H.
Biochemistry 33 (29), 8673-8677 (1994)

Nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P-450 gene, CYP 55, of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum containing a potential binding site for FNR, the transcription factor involved in the regulation of anaerobic growth of Escherichia coli.
Tomura, D., Obika, K., Fukamizu, A., and Shoun, H.
J. Biochem. 116 (1), 88-94 (1994)

Fatty acid hysroxylase of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum is possibly a fused protein of cytochrome P-450 and its reductase.
Nakayama, N., and Shoun, H.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 202 (1), 586-590 (1994)

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P450nor from Fusarium oxysporum.
Nakahara, K., Shoun, H., Adachi, S., Iizuka, T., and Shiro, Y.
J. Mol. Biol. 239 (1), 158-159 (1994)



蛋白質・核酸・酵素 39 (3), 241-251 (1994)

Original Papers


Expreession of the fungal cytochrome P-450 cDNA in Escherichia coli.
Obika, K., Tomura, D., Fukamizu, A., and Shoun, H.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 196 (3), 1255-1260 (1993)

Cytochrome P-450 55A1 (P-450dNIR) acts as nitric oxide reductase employing NADH as the direct electron donor.
Nakahara, K., Tanimoto, T., Hatano, K., Usuda, K., and Shoun, H.
J. Biol. Chem. 268 (11), 8350-8355 (1993)

Original Papers


Diauxic growth of Fusarium oxysporum during aerobic culture in the presence of nitrate/nitrite.
Tanimoto, T., Nakahara, K., and Shoun, H.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 56 (12), 2058-2059 (1992)

Analysis of the transcriptional activity of the hut promoter in Bacillus subtilis and identification of a cis-acting regulatory region associated with catabolite repression downstream from the site of transcription.
Oda, M., Katagai, T., Tomura, D., Shoun, H., Hoshino, T., and Furukawa, K.
Mol. Microbiol. 6 (18), 2573-2582 (1992)

Denitrification by fungi.
Shoun, H., Kim, D.-H., Uchiyama, H., and Sugiyama, J.
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 94, 277-281 (1992)

Co-denitrification by the denitrifying system of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Tanimoto, T., Hatano, K., Kim, D.-H., Uchiyama, H., and Shoun, H.
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 93 , 177-180 (1992)



化学工学 56 (11) 818-820 (1992)

日本農芸化学会誌 66 (2), 154-157 (1992)

バイオサイエンスとインダストリー 59 (1), 34-36 (1992)

Cytochrome P-450(NOR) of the denitrifier fungus Fusarium oxysporum involved in the respiratory nitrite reduction.
Shoun, H., and Tanimoto, T.:
Cytochrome P-450: Biochemistry and Biophysics (Archakov, A. I., and Bachmanova, G. I., eds., INCO-TNC, Moscow) pp. 626-628 (1992)

Original Papers


Denitrification by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum and involvement of cytochrome P-450 in the respiratory nitrite reduction.
Shoun, H., and Tanimoto, T.
J. Biol. Chem. 266 (17), 11078-11082 (1991)

Nucleotide sequence of the unique nitrate/nitrite-inducible cytochrome P-450 cDNA from Fusarium oxysporum.
Kizawa, H., Tomura, D., Oda, M., Fukamizu, A., Hoshino, T., Gotoh, O., Yasui, T., and Shoun, H.
J. Biol. Chem. 266 (16), 10632-10637 (1991)

Production of alkyl-b-xyloside by Aspergillus niger b-xylosidase. (in Japanese)
Shinoyama, H., Kamiyama, Y., Shoun, H., and Yasui, T.
J. Ferment. Technol. 69 (3), 159-162 (1991)

Unique nitrate/nitrite-inducible cytochrome P-450 in Fusarium oxysporum and related fungal species.
Shoun, H., Suyama, W., and Kim, D.-H.
Agric. Biol. Chem. 55 (2), 593-596 (1991)

p-Hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase from Pseudomonas desmolytica: Relative molecular mass, amino acid composition, and reactivity of sulfhydryl groups.
Shoun, H.
Agric. Biol. Chem. 54 (2), 329-336 (1990)

Original Papers


Soluble, nitrate/nitrite-inducible cytochrome P-450 of the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum.
Shoun, H., Suyama, W., and Yasui, T.
FEBS Lett. 244 (1), 11-14 (1989)

Components of the cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system of the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum: Conditions for induction and isolation of cytochrome b5.
Shoun, H., Sudo, Y., Sato, K., and Beppu, T.
Agric. Biol. Chem. 53 (8), 2153-2161 (1989)

Cloning and sequencing of a gene for Mucor rennin, an aspartate protease from Mucor pusillus.
Tonouchi, N., Shoun, H., Uozumi, T., and Beppu, T.
Nucl. Acid Res. 14 (19), 7557-7568 (1986)

Subterminal hydroxylation of fatty acids by a cytochrome P-450-dependent enzyme system from a fungus, Fusarium oxysporum.
Shoun, H., Sudo, Y., and Beppu, T.
J. Biochem. 97 (3), 755-763 (1985)

Inhibition of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase by anions: Possible existence of two anion binding sites in the site for reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
Shoun, H., Arima, K., and Beppu, T.
J. Biochem. 93 (1), 169-176 (1983)

Purification and properties of a cytochrome P-450 of a fungus, Fusarium oxysporum.
Shoun, H., Sudo, Y., Seto, Y., and Beppu, T.
J. Biochem. 94 (4), 1219-1229 (1983)

A histidine residue in p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase essential for binding of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
Shoun, H., and Beppu, T.
J. Biol. Chem. 257 (7), 3422-3428 (1982)

Photo-oxidation of a histidyl residue of milk-clotting acid protease, Mucor rennin.
Etoh, Y., Shoun, H., Arima, K., and Beppu, T.
J. Biochem. 91 (3), 747-753 (1982)

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of an essential histidyl residue in a milk-clotting acid protease, Mucor rennin.
Etoh, Y., Shoun, H., Ogino, T., Fujiwara, S., Arima, K., and Beppu, T.
J. Biochem. 91 (6), 2039-2046 (1982)

An essential arginine residue at the substrate-binding site of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase.
Shoun, H., Beppu, T., and Arima, K.
J. Biol. Chem. 255 (19), 9319-9324 (1980)



日本応用酵素協会誌 24, 1-10 (1989)

Heme-containing lipoxygenase from a fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
Beppu, T., Shoun, H., Sudo, Y., and Seto, Y.
Oxygenases and Oxygen Metabolism (Nozaki, M. et al., eds., Academic Press Inc.) pp. 581-591 (1982)

Stable enzyme-substrate complex of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase: evidence for the proton uptake from the substrate and its effects on the enzyme-NADPH interaction.
Shoun, H., Beppu, T., and Arima, K.
Flavins and Flavoproteins (Yagi, K., and Yamano, T., eds., Japan Scientific Societies Press and University Park Press) pp. 117-124 (1980)

蛋白質・核酸・酵素 25, 820-837 (1980)

Original Papers


Physicochemical and immunochemical studies on similarities of acid protease Mucor pusillus rennin and Mucor miehei rennin.
Etoh, Y., Shoun, H., Beppu, T., and Arima, K.
Agric. Biol. Chem. 43 (2), 209-215 (1979)

On the stable enzyme-substrate complex of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase: evidences for the proton uptake from the substrate.
Shoun, H., Beppu, T., and Arima, K.
J. Biol. Chem. 254 (3), 899-904 (1979)

Studies on the interaction of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase with NADPH: Effects of pH and substrates on the enzyme-NADPH complex formation.
Shoun, H., Higashi, N., Beppu, T., Nakamura, S., Hiromi, K., and Arima, K.
J. Biol. Chem. 254 (21), 10944-10951 (1979)

Use of proton correlation NMR spectroscopy in the study of living cells: Anaerobic metabolism of Escherichia coli.
Ogino, T., Arata, Y., Fujiwara, S., Shoun, H., and Beppu, T.
J. Magn. Reson. 31 (3), 523-526 (1978)

Proton correlation nuclear magnetic resonance study of anaerobic metabolism of Escherichia coli.
Ogino, T., Arata, Y., Fujiwara, S., Shoun, H., and Beppu, T.
Biochemistry 17 (22), 4742-4745 (1978)

Studies on pH dependence of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase-catalyzed reactions: Functional groups involved in the reactions.
Shoun, H., Higashi, N., Beppu, T., Arima, K., and Nakamura, S.
FEBS Lett. 49 (1), 13-17 (1974)

A new enzyme species of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase during oxygenation process observed by the stopped flow method.
Higashi, N., Shoun, H., Yano, K., and Arima, K.
Agric. Biol. Chem. 36 (6), 1081-1084 (1972)

Kinetic studies on the enzyme-substrate complex formation of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase by the stopped-flow method.
Higashi, N., Shoun, H., Yano, K., Arima, K., and Hiromi, K.
Z. Naturforsch. 27b (10), 1172-1175 (1972)

Kinetic studies on the ES-complex formation of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase.
Higashi, N., Shoun, H., Hiromi, K., Yano, K., and Arima, K.
J. Biochem. 67 (5), 749-752 (1970)



Studies on the reaction mechanism of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase: Functional groups essential for the enzymatic reaction.
Shoun, H., Higashi, N., Beppu, T., Arima, K., and Nakamura, S.
Flavins and Flavoproteins (Singer, T. P., ed., Elsevier) pp. 124-133 (1976)

The reaction of oxygen with reduced p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase.
Higashi, N., Shoun, H., Yano, K., Arima, K., Nakamura, S., and Hiromi, K.
Reactivity of Flavins (Yagi, K., ed., University of Tokyo Press) pp. 93-102 (1975)

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